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    윈도우10에서 WMVCore.dll 파일 누락되었다는 에러메시지 대처법


    As millions of people are updating their PC to Windows 10, they are bound to run into some compatibility issues. This particular Windows update was the easiest one that I have done. I go back to the DOS days. One error message that did stump me for a bit was about a missing WMVCore.DLL. It has to do with media files.

    The problem with this error message is I wasn’t sure what program I needed to reinstall. Was it the program that I wanted to use, Camtasia? Or, was some other program involved? I guessed wrong and tried to reinstall Camtasia. I figured it was the source of the file.

    error message for missing WMVCore.dll


    Long story short, the file I needed is part of Microsoft’s Windows Media Feature Pack. You can find it at the link below. And as you might expect, Microsoft sites work best on their browsers so I would start with their Edge browser.

    Microsoft Windows 10 Media Feature Pack

    위의 주소를 클릭하고 64비트 32비트 구분해서 다운후 설치해주면 해결됩니다.

    You’ll need to choose which flavor of Windows your PC uses. Be advised this is a large download and you will need to restart your PC.

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