abctrend 트랜드 블로그 햄버거 메뉴



    MySQL 메모리 400M 넘어갈때
    정리를 해도 계속 메모리가 400M를 넘어가는경우 문제해결 방법

    Notice that it says the value is based on a formula:

    400 + (table_open_cache / 2)

    So my table_open_cache is also not set in my.ini. My value happened to be at 2000. That answers that question. So why is table_open_cache so high? According to mysql, for MySQL version 5.6.12 or greater the default is 2000. There is the answer! I just happen to have installed MySQL 5.6.12 which set a table_open_cache of 2000 which, when using the calculation above set the table_definition_cache to 1400, which then used up about 500MB of RAM.

    그냥 쉽게  my.ini 파일에 table_definition_cache = 400 또는 600 추가해주면 해결됨.
    적용후 메모리 40M로 떨어져 쾌적한 관리가 가능해짐.

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